Wednesday 21 January 2009

Well it all started in 1986 when I was born.

I was brought up in a church environment as my parents were members of Shoreham Baptist Church.

I have been in this church all my life, I guess it all started when I attended the various youth groups that the church had. When I was about 12 I started to learn the guitar it wasn't until about a year later that I joined a band, later named Deep. It was from there on that my musical abilities grew, from the first service that I played in (when I knew about 3 chords) to backing up Phatfish (when I knew a few more chords) to leading the church in worship.

With some help and encouragement I then moved into playing lead guitar, playing most Sundays as well as playing some drums and bass guitar when needed.

When I was about 15 I was at Soul Survivor and it was during a very energetic time of worship I said to God "rather than me shouting these lyrics at you please let me be able to sing them with a good tone and in key!" and it was there that my singing abilities started.

During this I also took on a few more roles within the church, I started on my journey to become a youth worker and audio/visual technician.

My Dad is a techy so I picked up a lot from him, (I am now a network manager at a school looking after all the servers/computers etc) as well as doing the sound and lighting for performances.

Back to the band- we started to do some Gigs here and there at our church and at others, sometimes I played sometimes I did the PA and Lighting. It was during this time that I got baptised (9th June 2002).

When I was 17 that the guy who Lead the band (not naming names, James Orr) said I’m leaving to go where God is sending me. This was a bit of a down point for me as the worship in our church took a bit of a back seat and felt like it wasn't going anywhere (personal opinion) that I felt God saying to me this is now your time.

I spoke to my pastor and he put into action what was the making of my worship leading ministry.

The first time I lead properly was at St Bartz at a weekend away with the youth group (where I was now a leader) it was one night that I was leading worship that the Holy Spirit came into that place and into the hearts of myself the other leaders and many of the youth group. It was at this point I felt God saying I have many plans for you.

Anyway I then took on a new challenge which was leading a youth group for the 16 -18 year olds with my sister, her boyfriend and my wife to be. I later discovered that this wasn't what God wanted me to do but I do thank him for the experience!

I had now been attending New Wine summer conference for the last 2 years which took me to my next stage in life, I was now starting to flourish in my spiritual life. Having taken a 6 month break from leading worship I grew a lot more in myself and who I was, speaking to God a lot and having many private worship times it was now time for me to get back into leading worship,

( I should now mention that I married Sarah on the 12th May 07) Sarah has been one of the biggest influences in my life always helping me in my ministry and such a big help it has been (although she doesn't know or accept it!)

My ministry is now in full flow and I'm growing in faith and in my leadership. It was at New Wine 2007 that God said to me I really want you to start taking this very seriously, I started to read a lot and meet up with others in the church who could help me. I started to do what I do with such a passion and start to explore new possibilities.

From there the following year was where I came out of my own little world and into God's big world! With some things in my mind and some opportunities ahead of me I look forward to what God has planned for my life.

That is my life so far to this day 21.1.09

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